亡命之徒是由丹尼尔·蒙宗执导、马科斯·鲁伊斯,贝戈尼亚·瓦加斯,彻楚·萨尔加多,Xavier,Martín,Carlos,Oviedo,Jorge,Aparicio,丹尼尔·伊瓦涅斯,Cintia,García,Víctor,Manuel,Pajares,哈维·萨兹,Carlos,Serrano,佩普·托萨,Santiago,Molero,爱诺亚·萨娜塔玛蕊,伊丽莎白·卡萨诺瓦斯主演的电影,在西班牙上映播出,Set in 1978, the film marks the fourth joint effort between Monzón and Jorge Guerricaechevarría, and tells the action-packed, adrenaline-fuelled story of 17-year-old Nacho Cañas, an introverted student who lives in Girona and who is something of a misfit. When he meets El Zarco and Tere, young delinquents from the city’s Chinatown district, he gets caught up in a love triangle that leads him to indulge in an unrelenting onslaught of thievery, burglary and hold-ups that will change his life forever. The film is the chronicle of the summer during which Nacho experienced his first love and came of age, constantly crossing the boundary between two worlds, and overstepping the line that exists between right and wrong, between justice and injustice....电影天堂提供了亡命之徒在线观看,并且还可以支持手机看亡命之徒,不需要下载播放器,方便广大影迷观看。
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